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Preparation Materials

Borax, Alum, Clay, Plaster of Paris, gloves, soap, tow and woodwool.
Prices are subject to VAT for UK customers.

Borax Powder - per kilo (UK only)

£9.50 (exc. VAT at 20%)

Alum - per kilo (UK only)

£6.49 (exc. VAT at 20%)

Plaster of Paris - per kilo

£4.04 (exc. VAT at 20%)

Polythene gloves - per 100

£4.61 (exc. VAT at 20%)

Taxidermy soap - small

£1.68 (exc. VAT at 20%)

Taxidermy soap - large

£3.89 (exc. VAT at 20%)

Tow - per skein

£8.14 (exc. VAT at 20%)

Woodwool medium grade - per kilo

£10.19 (exc. VAT at 20%)