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Botanical Equipment

We have a range of equipment for botanical work listed below.
Prices are subject to VAT for UK customers.

Botanical drying paper - per quire

£9.50 (exc. VAT at 20%)

Botanical lens

£22.20 (exc. VAT at 20%)

Botanical mounting labels

£3.85 (exc. VAT at 20%)

Botanical mounting paste

£4.55 (exc. VAT at 20%)

Botanical mounting paper - per quire

£6.25 (exc. VAT at 20%)

Botanical press

£51.40 (exc. VAT at 20%)

Botanical razor

£8.85 (exc. VAT at 20%)

Genus covers - per dozen

£11.50 (exc. VAT at 20%)

No.3F Superfine stainless steel forceps

£11.25 (exc. VAT at 20%)